STARGIRL Followers

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Create a Stargirl Constitution

Creating a Constitution is an opportunity for any organization or classroom to discuss and think about their ideals and the fundamental principles that empower the members of their organization.  The Stargirl Constitution provides an example.  Inspire your students to write their own! 

The Constitution of Stargirls

Lucy Merriman, one of our Stargirl leaders designed this constitution.  It reflects the ideals we have identified through our discussions of themes in the Stargirl Book.

We, the Stargirls of Kent, Ohio, in order to form a more perfect middle school and someday, a more perfect world, enact this constitution:

1. RESPECT YOURSELF:  This means…
·      Don’t smoke, do drugs or anything harmful to your body.
·      If you are really sad or depressed, call a fellow Stargirl and tell her about it; let her help you.
·      Counter negative self thoughts with positive ones.
·      Avoid peer pressure.  Be true to yourself.
·      Go after your goals.

2. RESPECT YOUR PEERS:  This means…
·      Be responsible.  Let people know they can count on you.
·      Be a positive force in your school.  Start new clubs and support others.
·      Reach out to help others in a time of need.
·      Acknowledge the opinion of others even if their opinion is not the same as yours.
·      Be forgiving.  Give people second chances.
·      Don’t gossip about other girls, or guys for that matter.  Gossip is very hurtful.
·      Make new friends.

3. RESEPECT THE EARTH:  This means…
·      Recycle
·      Don’t litter
·      Be kind to animals.
·      Educate yourself about global issues such as endangered species and habitats.
·      Initiate community service projects both small and large.

Have your class create their own Constitution for your classroom or organization!  Here is a link with other examples on Pinterest.

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