STARGIRL Followers

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Stargirls - Getting to Know You Activity

To create a responsive learning environment that promotes Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, and Communication is an important goal for a successful Stargirl Program.  This activity also promotes bonding between the Stargirls and helps them to find like interests and make new friends.  (It is especially effective if your Stargirl Program is structured with high school mentors and middle school mentees.)

Some background information:
21st Century - The 4 C's
An explanation and video of the 4 C's

Champion the 4 C's in Your Classroom through Technology
Using technology to champion the 4 C's

  1. Create a set of discussion cards using the following prompts:
  • The hardest you have ever laughed
  • The biggest lesson you learned this year
  • What day in your life would you choose to live over
  • Name your favorite song and tell why
  • Tell about your most embarrassing moment
  • What is your favorite memory
  • What is your favorite movie and why did you like it
  • Who is your favorite celebrity and why
  • What is the best thing you ever did to help someone out
  • The best thing that has ever happened to you at school
  • The best piece of advice you would give a friend
  • What is your favorite holiday and why
  • Name a newsworthy event that had an impact on you
  • Identify your favorite song
  • Tell about your favorite vacation
  • A place you would like to travel 
  • What hobbies do you spend time pursuing
  • Tell about after school activities you like
1.  Divide the Stargirls into small discussion groups.
2.  Provide each group with a set of discussion cards.
3.  Instruct each Stargirl to pick a card when it is her turn.
4  Begin:  The first Stargirl will read her card and share her answers.  Instruct Stargirls to elaborate. 

Each Stargirl will share something new they learned about someone in their group.

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