STARGIRL Followers

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Create a Stargirl Happy Wagon

When Archie was visiting Stargirl, he noticed an item on her bookshelf (Chapter 22).  It was a tiny wagon about the size of his fist.  It was made of wood and looked like an antique toy.  It was piled high with pebbles.  Several other pebbles lay about the wagon wheels.  Stargirl explained, "It's my Happy Wagon, although it could also be called my Unhappy Wagon, but I prefer happy.  When  something makes me happy, I put a pebble in the wagon. If I am unhappy, I take a pebble out.  There are 20 pebbles in all.

Ideas fo Materials:
  1. Small buckets or boxes can be purchased at a hobby store.  (See picture, be creative!)
  2. Use small gem stones or Warm Fuzzys (Purchased at a hobby store)
  3. Permanent Sharpies can be used for decorations
  1. Read the segment from Chapter 22 of the Stargirl Book.
  2. Book Connection:   Throughout the Stargirl book, what made Stargirl happy or sad?
  3. Brainstorm a List:  Things that make us happy?  Things that make us sad?
  4. Create a list.
  5. Pass out the materials selected for the Happy Wagon.
  6. Creation Time!


  1. Stargirls will take home their Happy Wagon and follow Stargirl's lead.
  2. Conduct a follow up discussion at a later meeting.

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