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Monday, April 15, 2019

A Stargirl Poetry Lesson

Sir Ken Robinson, one of the world's leading thinkers on creativity and self-fulfillment, states that the Element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. He states,"When people arrive at their 'element,' they feel most themselves and most inspired and achieve at their highest levels.  The Element is a breakthrough book about talent, passion, and achievement.

At our last Stargirl meeting we discussed motivation, inspiration, and each Stargirl thought about her own true passion, then wrote two lines for the group poem.

Line One:  Introduce your passion
Line Two: Describe your passion through a metaphor



Passions are like a river flowing: never ending, always changing, ever present in time

My soul is my passion; my passion is art
released: it comes from the tip of my pencil, thriving within me, a sparrow that can’t fly.

Music is like a sinkhole I want to go down
Being carried away by the rhythmic waves while losing myself in the melody.

I’m like a balloon that makes people laugh.
I float- I don’t know what I want yet...

Volleyball takes me to my happy place.
I always bounce back. I am resilient.

Basketball is trustworthy. It represents something I can always count on...
When I push the ball down, it always comes back to me.

My spirit soars when I am in Gymnastics!
I am flexible. I am strong!

My mind is like a database.
It has a lot of information, but never enough.

Fighting for what’s right is my passion;
it’s like a beast scratching inside of me.

My epee is King Arthur’s sword,
but I can’t always take it out.

My passion is building a kinder future. One we each deserve.
I grasp at ideas that run like sand through my fingers and hope I can hold on to one!

I breathe dreams--
To dream is to live. To live is to dream!

Acting is my passion. On the stage, I transform...
A new character is born.

Checkmate: I’m not who you thought I was.
I’m better.

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