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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Stargirls- Creative Thinking and Metacognition

A GREAT Resource Related to Creativity and Metacognition

Working with a group of highly creative students in my role as Gifted Education Specialist motivates me to read research on Creativity. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning highly suggest that we prepare our students for their future careers by teaching them the 4 C's: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving, and Communication. The Economic Forum states that Creativity, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking will be the top three skills needed for success in jobs in 2020. 

Talking about how our creative mind works is an exciting subject for Stargirls!  

I recently purchased the special TIME Magazine edition called The Science of Creativity.  The magazine has insightful articles that delve into The Creative Mind, Creativity in Action, and Creativity at Any Age.   This is Your Brain on Creativity was one of my favorite articles. If you are interested in the topic of Creativity, I would highly suggest this magazine.  You can find it in the magazine section at stores or purchase it from Amazon:

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