STARGIRL Followers

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Stargirl and Developing Empathy

                           STARGIRL AND DEVELOPING EMPATHY

Stargirl often did random acts of kindness. Examples of her thoughtfulness appear throughout the book and her high degree of empathy is evident.  Stargirl was very observant and often discovered something special about individuals by watching and listening to others.  She even read the newspaper to inspire ways she might support or uplift people she did not even know in her community.  Stargirl did these special acts of kindness secretly.  She wanted no credit.

Identify the Random Acts of Kindness carried out by Stargirl and involve your students in this developing their own kind acts. Help them to develop empathy.

Objectives:  Students will...
- Develop empathy as they identify and creatively carry out Random Acts of Kindness
- Enhance their communication skills with other Stargirls in the process of organizing and carrying 
  out Random Acts of Kindness projects
- Build confidence with one’s own ability to help others
- Develop skills in the area of the 4’Cs:  Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving,           Communication, and Collaboration
-Experience “self-satisfaction” independent of exterior recognition
-Analyze the relationship between contributing to the happiness of others, and to the happiness of     oneself

Identify and discuss Stargirl’s Random Acts of Kindness from the novel. 
     - Discuss why donating time, energy, and support to members of your community is            important. (Identify the community as your school, town, state, or world)
      -Establish the importance of service in your community.
     -Divide into Constellation Groups. (A fun title for small group work – students may name     their Constellation Group from their favorite constellation or make up one.)
     -Each Constellation Group will brainstorm a random act of kindness that could be done i         individually or in a group. 
    - Provide a block of time for students to be observant and check out the newspaper or online   news to get ideas.
    - Regroup.  Each Constellation Group will share their ideas.
     -Decide if this project should be completed individually or in small groups. (Or both)
     -If students would like to develop a class project, have them vote.
     -Allow work time to organize their Random Act of Kindness and write an Action Plan. An     Action Plan should include: Who, What, Where, When, How, and any obstacles that might   be anticipated. How could they be solved?
    - Implement the Plan of Action

*Robert Sweetland provides an excellent passage from Stargirl, Chapter 21 along with discussion quests that might be applied to the class project.    
*Discuss if they were able to carry out their Random Act of Kindness as outlined in their Action Plan.
*How did the recipient react?  Especially if the person was unaware of who carried out the Random Act of Kindness.  
*What Feelings result from planning Random Acts of Kindness.  Will you continue to find ways to implement Random Acts of Kindness?
*Define the word Empathy.  How did this project help you to develop empathy?

Stargirls Develop Empathy

Stargirls create a quilt to support a special mother who lost her Stargirl daughter.

Amazing Resource:

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