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Saturday, December 28, 2019

Get Ready Language Arts Teachers for Stargirl on Disney +- Middle School Teachers and Girl's Clubs

We are all so excited for the Stargirl movie on Disney+, so get ready Language Arts teachers perhaps as early as February!  My Stargirl Program hopes to have a Stargirl Movie Celebration to watch it.

Here are some links to insights about the movie for Girls Clubs and Middle School Teachers:

Meet Grace Vanderwaal - The perfect Stargirl and hear what she has to say about playing this role.


An Introduction to  Stargirl Grace Vanderwaal from  Disney +
Note the movie will be released early in 2020.

Leo and Stargirl discuss their roles in the movie Stargirl

Friday, November 22, 2019

Stargirl Quotes - What Fits You Best!

This activity helped students to connect with the character Stargirl.  What traits and values do they possess that are similar to Stargirl's personality?

Materials:  Poster Paper and Markers

1.  A set of quotes from the book provided to each individual girl.  

2.  Each of the students thought about their own personality and how they related to Stargirl.  They   
     each selected a personal quote.

3.  Each girl shared her quote with the group.

4.  Those girls with the same quote combined to create a poster.  Some students worked individually.

5.  The girls created Stargirl Quotation Posters.  See below.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Stargirl Theme Song

Creating a theme for the new Stargirl school year sets the stage for an interdisciplinary
goal setting learning experience.  Here are the steps to follow:

1.  Select a Theme Song.  Ideas below:

  • When You Wish Upon a Star (Disney)
  • Your a Shining Star (Chicago)
  • Hey Now, Your an All Star (Smash Mouth)
  • A Star is Born (Hercules)
2.  Select quotes for your newsletter or to hang and post where you meet.  Encourage Stargirls to write their own original quotes.  Ideas below:
  • Starlight, Star bright, first star I see tonight.  I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight.                                                                                                     - Disney
  • For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of stars makes me dream.                                                                                                                               - Van Gogh
  • One must have chaos in order to give birth to a dancing star.  - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Hitch your wagon to a star.  -Ralph Waldo Emerson     
 3.  Stars have always served as guiding lights for travelers.  Stargirls will create 
      original Constellation.  
  • Use a star template and cut out five stars for each Stargirl. 
  • Stargirls will write one goal for each of the stars and decorate them.
  • Create a Star Mobile using a hanger and yarn or paste the stars on construction paper and create a bulletin board.
4.  Research for a Star 
     Select a person you admire because he/she has conquered impossible situation.
  • Write a story, poem, or song about the person you selected.
  • Tell how this person inspired you.  How would your like to be more like this person?
  • Make a class presentation.  Create a “Reach for the Stars” bulletin board.
5.  Remember to make time for checkpoints along the way.  
     Play the song from Disney's Frog Prince called  Almost There.  
     Post the lyrics to the song for the Stargirls to follow along.   Discuss:
  • Who has accomplish one of the goals they set at the beginning of the year.  Share and celebrate success.
  • Who is "almost there?"  What further steps need to be taken to accomplish your goal?
  • What "trials and tribulations" were faced along the way?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Create a Stargirl Happy Wagon

When Archie was visiting Stargirl, he noticed an item on her bookshelf (Chapter 22).  It was a tiny wagon about the size of his fist.  It was made of wood and looked like an antique toy.  It was piled high with pebbles.  Several other pebbles lay about the wagon wheels.  Stargirl explained, "It's my Happy Wagon, although it could also be called my Unhappy Wagon, but I prefer happy.  When  something makes me happy, I put a pebble in the wagon. If I am unhappy, I take a pebble out.  There are 20 pebbles in all.

Ideas fo Materials:
  1. Small buckets or boxes can be purchased at a hobby store.  (See picture, be creative!)
  2. Use small gem stones or Warm Fuzzys (Purchased at a hobby store)
  3. Permanent Sharpies can be used for decorations
  1. Read the segment from Chapter 22 of the Stargirl Book.
  2. Book Connection:   Throughout the Stargirl book, what made Stargirl happy or sad?
  3. Brainstorm a List:  Things that make us happy?  Things that make us sad?
  4. Create a list.
  5. Pass out the materials selected for the Happy Wagon.
  6. Creation Time!


  1. Stargirls will take home their Happy Wagon and follow Stargirl's lead.
  2. Conduct a follow up discussion at a later meeting.

Friday, June 28, 2019

One Stargirl Can Change the World

Music can inspire Stargirls to become activists and think about issues meaningful to them. Shuree's song, One Girl Can Change the World has an message.

1.  Distribute the lyrics to the song or project them on the white board. 

2.  Read the lyrics and discuss the meaning of the song.  Then play the song.

3.  Brainstorm issues of in the school community, home community, or other concerns.

4.  List them on individual post-it notes.   

(Stargirls was developed by a group of girls passionate  about helping girls to value their creative spirit and individualism.)

5..  Discuss the ideas on the post-notes.  Prioritize them. 

6.  Decide on the issue the Stargirls are most passionate about addressing.

5.  Follow the Creative Problem Solving Process.  Begin with research.
  • Identify Challenges
  • Write an Underlying Problem
  • Brainstorm Solutions
  • Evaluate the solution ideas and select a best solution/solutions
  • Write an Action Plan

*It is important to provide time for REFLECTION as the Stargirls travel through the CPS process and to CELEBRATE accomplishments at the conclusion.

*It is important to RELECT along the way and CELEBRATE when you have accomplished your goal.

.  Follow the Creative Problem Solving Process:  Conduct Research, Examine Challenges, Write 
     an Underlying Problem, Brainstorm Solutions, Evaluate Ideas Generated, Write an Action Plan.

6.  It is important to provide time for REFLECTION as the Stargirls progress through the CPS process and to CELEBRATE accomplishments.

CPS Process

Lyrics:  One Girl Can Change 

I'm not the kind of girl who's just a pretty face
Ste Worldilettos, fancy clothes, no I gotta brain
I'm not the kind of girl who's backin' off
I'm moving forward, steppin' up, ain't playin' around

Ready to put up a fight
To make a difference in life
Don't let em push you around no

Do it one girl at a time
Put your sign in the sky
So let your colors fly

One girl can change the world
We gonna turn this place out
One girl can change the world
Yeah we're livin' it loud
So turn it upppp – if you know who you are
So turn it upppp – girl you shine like a star
One girl can change the world
So hit me up if you're down

I'm the kind of girl I be up in your face
Speak my mind, lay it down, ready to play
I'm the kind of girl who's keepin' it real
Got no disguise, I just wear my heart on my sleeve

Ready to put up a fight
To make a difference in life
Don't let em push you around no

Do it one girl at a time
Put your sign in the sky
So let your colors fly

One girl can change the world
We gonna turn this place out
One girl can change the world
Yeah we're livin' it loud
So turn it upppp – if you know who you are
So turn it upppp – girl you shine like a star
One girl can change the world
So hit me up if you're down

Look up in the sky-sky
Flyin' up so high-high
You'll hear them say "Who's that girl, who's that girl"

Look up in the sky-sky
Flyin' up so high-high
You'll hear them say "Who's that girl, who's that girl"
One girl
Ya'll ready?
Let's go!
I'm gonna
Your gonna
Were gonna
Change the world!

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Stargirls - Getting to Know You Activity

To create a responsive learning environment that promotes Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, and Communication is an important goal for a successful Stargirl Program.  This activity also promotes bonding between the Stargirls and helps them to find like interests and make new friends.  (It is especially effective if your Stargirl Program is structured with high school mentors and middle school mentees.)

Some background information:
21st Century - The 4 C's
An explanation and video of the 4 C's

Champion the 4 C's in Your Classroom through Technology
Using technology to champion the 4 C's

  1. Create a set of discussion cards using the following prompts:
  • The hardest you have ever laughed
  • The biggest lesson you learned this year
  • What day in your life would you choose to live over
  • Name your favorite song and tell why
  • Tell about your most embarrassing moment
  • What is your favorite memory
  • What is your favorite movie and why did you like it
  • Who is your favorite celebrity and why
  • What is the best thing you ever did to help someone out
  • The best thing that has ever happened to you at school
  • The best piece of advice you would give a friend
  • What is your favorite holiday and why
  • Name a newsworthy event that had an impact on you
  • Identify your favorite song
  • Tell about your favorite vacation
  • A place you would like to travel 
  • What hobbies do you spend time pursuing
  • Tell about after school activities you like
1.  Divide the Stargirls into small discussion groups.
2.  Provide each group with a set of discussion cards.
3.  Instruct each Stargirl to pick a card when it is her turn.
4  Begin:  The first Stargirl will read her card and share her answers.  Instruct Stargirls to elaborate. 

Each Stargirl will share something new they learned about someone in their group.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Stargirl Traits and Dramatic Presentations

Our May Stargirl meeting was both happy and sad because we had to say goodbye to our senior Stargirl Leaders and wish them an exciting adventure as they go off to college. One activity we planned focused on Stargirl traits and creating a dramatic skit that portrayed Stargirls characteristics.

Below are the traits we selected and supporting quotes from the book.

Self Confidence (Doesn’t care what others think)

Connected to the Universe

                                    STARGIRL QUOTES
Stargirl Quotes
Top of Form
“The earth is speaking to us, but we can't hear because of all the racket our senses are making. Sometimes we need to erase them, erase our senses.  Then - maybe - the earth will touch us. The universe will speak. The stars will whisper.”  (Connected to the Universe)

“Star people are rare.” (Individuality)

“Nothing’s more fun than being carried away.” (Creative)

“Home is everything you can walk to.” (Sensitive)

 “She laughed when there was no joke. She danced when there was no music. “ (Creative)

“She had no friends, yet she was the friendliest person in school.” (Authentic, Kindness, Empathy)

“In her answers in class, she often spoke of sea horses and stars, but she did not know what a football was...” (Creative)

“We wanted to define her, to wrap her up as we did each other, but we could not seem to get past "weird" and "strange" and "goofy." Her ways knocked us off balance. ” (Self Confident, Empathy)

 “Why fit in when you're born to stand out?” (Individuality, Self Confidence)\

“It’s really hard to do nothing totally. Even just sitting here, like this, our bodies are churning, our minds are chattering. There’s a whole commotion going on inside us.” 

 “I’m erased. I’m gone. I’m nothing. And then the world is free to flow into me like water into an empty bowl…. And… I see. I hear. But not with eyes and ears. I’m not outside my world anymore, and I’m not really inside it either. The thing is, there’s no difference between me and the universe. The boundary is gone. I am it and it is me. I am a stone, a cactus thorn. I am rain. I like that most of all, being rain.” 
(Connected to the Universe)

Monday, April 15, 2019

A Stargirl Poetry Lesson

Sir Ken Robinson, one of the world's leading thinkers on creativity and self-fulfillment, states that the Element is the point at which natural talent meets personal passion. He states,"When people arrive at their 'element,' they feel most themselves and most inspired and achieve at their highest levels.  The Element is a breakthrough book about talent, passion, and achievement.

At our last Stargirl meeting we discussed motivation, inspiration, and each Stargirl thought about her own true passion, then wrote two lines for the group poem.

Line One:  Introduce your passion
Line Two: Describe your passion through a metaphor



Passions are like a river flowing: never ending, always changing, ever present in time

My soul is my passion; my passion is art
released: it comes from the tip of my pencil, thriving within me, a sparrow that can’t fly.

Music is like a sinkhole I want to go down
Being carried away by the rhythmic waves while losing myself in the melody.

I’m like a balloon that makes people laugh.
I float- I don’t know what I want yet...

Volleyball takes me to my happy place.
I always bounce back. I am resilient.

Basketball is trustworthy. It represents something I can always count on...
When I push the ball down, it always comes back to me.

My spirit soars when I am in Gymnastics!
I am flexible. I am strong!

My mind is like a database.
It has a lot of information, but never enough.

Fighting for what’s right is my passion;
it’s like a beast scratching inside of me.

My epee is King Arthur’s sword,
but I can’t always take it out.

My passion is building a kinder future. One we each deserve.
I grasp at ideas that run like sand through my fingers and hope I can hold on to one!

I breathe dreams--
To dream is to live. To live is to dream!

Acting is my passion. On the stage, I transform...
A new character is born.

Checkmate: I’m not who you thought I was.
I’m better.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Stargirls- Creative Thinking and Metacognition

A GREAT Resource Related to Creativity and Metacognition

Working with a group of highly creative students in my role as Gifted Education Specialist motivates me to read research on Creativity. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning highly suggest that we prepare our students for their future careers by teaching them the 4 C's: Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking/ Problem Solving, and Communication. The Economic Forum states that Creativity, Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking will be the top three skills needed for success in jobs in 2020. 

Talking about how our creative mind works is an exciting subject for Stargirls!  

I recently purchased the special TIME Magazine edition called The Science of Creativity.  The magazine has insightful articles that delve into The Creative Mind, Creativity in Action, and Creativity at Any Age.   This is Your Brain on Creativity was one of my favorite articles. If you are interested in the topic of Creativity, I would highly suggest this magazine.  You can find it in the magazine section at stores or purchase it from Amazon:

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Creative Gifted Children with High Sensitivity (Excellent Article)

The Stargirl Society addresses the social/ emotional needs of gifted adolescent females.  Many of whom are highly sensitive.  Creative high school girls mentor sixth, seventh, and eighth grade middle school girls at risk of conforming to peer pressure and losing their creative spirit. High school Stargirl leaders teach them to value their creative gifts.  Engaging monthly meetings present strategies to help their younger counterparts value individualism. These high school leaders are excellent role models.

I recently read the article featured in this blog entry entitled Why Are So Many Gifted Children Also Highly Sensitive? by Lisa Natcharian.  In the article Lisa discusses how these children have the ability to understand the world more deeply and throughly than others.  I have observed this in my gifted students.  The article also discusses:

  • Typical Signs of Sensitivity
  • Benefits of Being Sensitive
  • Difficulties of Being Sensitive
If you are interested, the article is published by the Institute for Educational Advancement: